American Journal of Biomedical and Life Sciences

Special Issue

Numerical and Experimental Research in Cardiovascular Sciences

  • Submission Deadline: 30 January 2015
  • Status: Submission Closed
About This Special Issue
Numerical and experimental methods are used to understand and predict the physiological mechanisms, effects of the treatment techniques and develop new devices and methods for treating the patients.

These methods provide valuable information about the investigated mechanism because they are repeatable, simpler and it is possible test different scenarios by modifying the system slightly. Most importantly these systems can be used safely to assess the new treatment techniques and test the artificial organs and support systems before the clinical applications.

The aim of this special issue titled “Numerical and Experimental Methods in Cardiovascular Sciences” is publishing applications of the numerical and experimental methods which are used in the Cardiovascular Sciences before the clinical trials.

The submitted studies may include studies on the following topics that are specific but are not limited to:

1. Cardiovascular biomechanics
2. Physiological measurements in cardiovascular system
3. Implants and artifical organs used in cardiovascular systems
4. Heart valve dynamics
5. Developing in-silico tools for cardiovascular system
6. Developing in-vitro tools for cardiovascular system
7. Developing ex-vivo tools for cardiovascular system
8. Electrophysiology of the heart
9. Vessel mechanics
10. Mechanical circulatory systems
11. Imaging in cardiovascular system
12. Patho-physiology of the cardiovascular system
Guest Editors
  • Gregory G. Koutsouridis

    Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands

  • Abdelmonem Hegazy

    Anatomy Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt

  • Surhan Bozkurt

    Department of Biomedical Engineering, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey

Published Articles
  • Comparison of Left and Right Fingertip PPG Signals Using Signal Power Estimates and Poincare Indexes

    Surhan Bozkurt , Gokhan Ertas

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 2-2, March 2015
    Pages: 6-10
    Received: 18 January 2015
    Accepted: 5 February 2015
    Published: 13 February 2015
    Abstract: Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a non-invasive method to measure the relative blood volume change in blood vessels used in a wide range of medical applications. PPG signals can be recorded from different body regions such as fingertips, forehead and earlobes. In this study, information content of PPG signals of the left and the right index fingertips... Show More
  • Visualization of Aspirated Flow Pathlines in a Thrombectomy Catheter with Three Extra Holes: A CFD Study

    Sajjad Soleimani

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 2-2, March 2015
    Pages: 1-5
    Received: 30 November 2014
    Accepted: 31 December 2014
    Published: 13 February 2015
    Abstract: The aspiration catheter design requires the good understanding of blood flow, based on a complex analysis of its hemodynamic characteristics. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is an important approach in studying the blood flow. In this paper the effect of extra upper holes - designed for the aspiration catheter - on the aspirated fluid pathlines ... Show More