American Journal of Modern Physics

Special Issue

Physics of Time: Theory and Experiment

  • Submission Deadline: 28 February 2015
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Andrew Chubykalo
About This Special Issue
Time is one of the most fundamental ideas in hard sciences generally and in Physics particularly. Physicists know two essentially different conceptions of time, the relational one and the substantial one (the latter is based on Kozyrev’s “Causal Mechanics”). According to the former there exists no time “per se” in nature, and time is no more than a relation between physical events. That is, time is a specific manifestation of the properties of physical bodies and changes occurring in them. The latter, the substantial one, assumes, vice versa, that time is an independent phenomenon of nature, a specific kind of substance, coexisting with space, matter and physical fields. The relational conception of time is associated with the names of Aristotle, Leibnitz and Einstein. The most ardent adherents of the substantial conception of time are Democritus, Newton and Kozyrev. Modern Physics is built on the basis of the relational conception of time. However, the use of this conception has not so far resulted in resolving all the problems related to time. Moreover, so far even an essential definition of time has not been formulated in Physics, there are only operational definitions indicating different methods of measuring time intervals. The adherents of the substantial conception of time, including N.A.Kozyrev, for their part, have not answered all the questions concerning time and have not given a rigorous mathematical formalism describing the time substance. Hence one can state that nowadays both the relational and substantial conceptions of time are certain points of view rather than physical hypotheses developed in detail. Each of them has its own positive aspects. The positive feature of the substantial conception lies in that it gives the researcher carte blanche for creative search, which may promote a successful resolution of the problem of the time phenomenon.
Lead Guest Editor
  • Andrew Chubykalo

    Academic Unit of Physics, Autonomous University of Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico

Guest Editors
  • Anatolij Prykarpatski

    The Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University of Drohobych, Lviv region, Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine

  • Augusto Espinoza

    Academic Unit of Physics, Autonomous University of Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico

Published Articles
  • Anomalous Behavior of Ultra-Relativistic Particles – a Phenomenon That Can Confirm the Discreteness of Time

    Alexander Zaslavsky

    Issue: Volume 4, Issue 2-1, April 2015
    Pages: 34-40
    Received: 13 January 2015
    Accepted: 17 January 2015
    Published: 23 April 2015
    Abstract: The paper analyses physical phenomenon which can give evidence of discreteness of time. The phenomenon is substitution of wave function of ultrarelativistic particle in terms of certain (hyper-ultrarelativistic) values of its space motion velocity. Discreteness of time is necessary criterion for such a substitution. The paper has developed mathemat... Show More
  • Triplet Paradox in Special Relativity and Discrepancy with Electromagnetism

    Vladimir Alexandr Leus

    Issue: Volume 4, Issue 2-1, April 2015
    Pages: 26-33
    Received: 8 February 2015
    Accepted: 9 February 2015
    Published: 12 March 2015
    Abstract: Special Relativity Theory (SRT) is considered to be compatible with classical electrodynamics. However, there are several logically deduced discrepancies inherent in SRT itself, which are called “paradoxes” and demand scrupulous examination. The “twin paradox” is most well-known. In this paper a new thought experiment, including three different obs... Show More
  • Existential Theory of Time

    Jitendra Kumar Barthakur

    Issue: Volume 4, Issue 2-1, April 2015
    Pages: 19-25
    Received: 21 February 2015
    Accepted: 23 February 2015
    Published: 5 March 2015
    Abstract: Thinking about existence takes one to the idea of alter. Essentially, the ideas alter in mind. Matter alters with the observation of position, shape, size, color, temperature and other ascriptions of matter (Aristotle, Ross W D, 1942). Conscious time of observation and momentum are the mainstay of mechanics of physics. Mind proposes these. This pap... Show More
  • Relativity of Time and Instantaneous Interaction of Charged Particles

    Wolfgang Engelhardt

    Issue: Volume 4, Issue 2-1, April 2015
    Pages: 15-18
    Received: 29 December 2014
    Accepted: 4 January 2015
    Published: 5 March 2015
    Abstract: The interaction between charged particles through quasi-static fields must occur instantaneously; otherwise a violation of the energy principle would occur. As a consequence, the instantaneous transmission of both energy and information over macroscopic distances is feasible by using the quasi-static fields which are predicted by Maxwell’s equation... Show More
  • Time Origin and Universe Uniform Expanding

    Michael H. Shulman

    Issue: Volume 4, Issue 2-1, April 2015
    Pages: 9-14
    Received: 14 December 2014
    Accepted: 17 December 2014
    Published: 29 January 2015
    Abstract: A new cosmological hypothesis is considered which states that our Universe is a black hole in some external world. Because of that it expands linearly depending on so-called Parametric Time. For such the model we use the typical Einstein-Friedmann’s equation system, but non-standard boundary conditions should be applied. A number of results are est... Show More
  • Infinite-Dimensional Multievents Space-Time of Minkowski and Everett’s Axiom of Parallelism

    Yury A. Lebedev , Pavel R. Amnuel , Anna Ya. Dulphan

    Issue: Volume 4, Issue 2-1, April 2015
    Pages: 1-8
    Received: 14 December 2014
    Accepted: 17 December 2014
    Published: 29 January 2015
    Abstract: In this work we consider the meaningfulness of the concept "parallel worlds". To that extent we propose the model of the infinite-dimensionaly multievents space, generating everettics altervers in each point of Minkowski’s space time. Our research reveals fractal character of such alterverse. It was also found that in Minkowski's space {x, ict} th... Show More